Write for Us!

Interested in writing for Noles Abroad? Have a great story about your study abroad program and how it impacted you? We love featuring the stories & experiences of our students, faculty, alumni, and staff!

Writing for Noles Abroad is simple. Here are some sample topics to help you get started and a few guidelines & instructions to keep in mind while you’re writing:

Sample Topics:

  • Perspectives on coming back after a year or semester abroad (getting involved on campus, cultural adjustments, etc.)
  • First Year Abroad and First Semester Abroad experiences
  • How studying abroad impacted you (career path, resume, professional opportunities, general growth as a person, etc.)
  • How to deal with cultural differences while abroad (such as language barriers)
  • Diverse representation in study abroad – perspectives from first generation college students, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, people of color, etc.
  • Non-study center program experiences
  • Any other topic related to study abroad that you want to share!

Guidelines & How to Submit:

  • Keep the post between 600 and 1200 words, 1500 at the most.
  • Please submit 1 – 3 relevant photos with your post that we can include on our blog.
  • When you’re ready to submit, email your post to us at IP-Media@fsu.edu and include your full name, study abroad program, academic major, and semester/year you studied abroad.
  • Blog submissions should be professional. IP reserves the right to edit the post for content, grammar, etc. Submitting a post is not a guarantee that it will be published, but we are always eager for new content & unique perspectives!

That’s it! Now grab a laptop, curl up with your favorite blanket, and start writing!