SE01 EP03: History of FSU Florence

Noles Abroad
Noles Abroad
SE01 EP03: History of FSU Florence

In this episode, we spoke with Frank Nero, director of the FSU Florence study center, about what the FSU Flying High Circus has to do with our study abroad program in Italy and why the first group of FSU Florence students were nicknamed the ‘Mud Angels.’

Show Notes, Photos, & Extras:

Episode Transcript

Frank Nero teaching in Italy.


  1. Loved listening to this pod-cast. It took me back through the years as I was one of those “mud angels” of the program’s first year . It was truly an experience that has stayed with me these last 53 years!

  2. I love this trip down memory lane. I was a mud angel in 66. We were experimental in more than one way. We were on the trimester system which was thought to be more efficient and economical than the quarter or semester systems. Our time there was the last trimester before they went back to the old way. This was the most special time of my life. Thank you, FSU.

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